Product Details Product Parameters
宝子们👋,今天给大家分享一款我最近超爱的宝藏简餐 —— 金枪鱼牛油果简餐,简直是减脂期、忙碌工作日的福音,轻松让你美味与健康双丰收💯
- 金枪鱼🐟:来自深海的 “营养使者”,富含优质蛋白质,低脂又饱腹。每一口金枪鱼都鲜嫩多汁,带着大海的鲜美气息,为身体提供满满能量的同时,还不用担心长胖哦~
- 牛油果🥑:堪称 “绿色宝藏”,有着细腻绵密的口感,满满的健康不饱和脂肪酸。它不仅能让这份简餐的口感更上一层楼,还对身体益处多多,是健康饮食的绝佳选择。
- 多彩蔬菜🥗:新鲜的生菜、爽脆的黄瓜、清甜的番茄,这些蔬菜不仅为简餐增添了丰富的色彩,还带来了大量的维生素和膳食纤维,让营养更加均衡。
- 准备好食材,金枪鱼罐头沥干水分备用,牛油果对半切开去核,用勺子挖出果肉切成小块,生菜洗净铺在餐盘底部,黄瓜、番茄切成合适大小。
- 在铺好生菜的餐盘上,依次码放好黄瓜片、番茄片。
- 将金枪鱼肉轻轻铺在蔬菜上,再放上切好的牛油果块。
- 最后,根据个人口味淋上低脂沙拉酱,我超爱油醋汁,清爽解腻,和这组合简直绝配,搅拌均匀就大功告成啦~
一口下去,先是生菜的清爽脆嫩在舌尖散开,紧接着黄瓜的清甜、番茄的多汁带来清新的味觉冲击,牛油果的绵密醇厚如丝滑般包裹着味蕾,最后金枪鱼的鲜美爆发,多种味道相互交融,口感层次丰富到让人陶醉。每一口都是满满的幸福感,完全不会觉得是在吃 “减脂餐”。
System Composition
① Sixteen-head 50-bucket fruit and vegetable combination scale: 304 stainless steel body structure; belt feeding structure to ensure uniform and controllable material layer; with built-in hopper to avoid damage to fruits and vegetables.
② Climbing elevator: with 200L silo, easy to store materials; with stainless steel water tank, easy to collect residual materials.
③ Working platform: solid structure, to ensure that the weighing is not affected.
④Automatic mesh bag packaging machine: optional labeling device, spray printing head, can be customized options.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting output.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking with mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting and outputting. ⑥ Material handling tray: batch collection of finished products.