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宝子们👋,今天必须给你们分享我最近的心头好 —— 金枪鱼三明治!
🥖两片金黄酥脆的面包片,轻轻一按,“嘎吱” 作响,仿佛在奏响美味的前奏。中间夹着的金枪鱼沙拉,那叫一个绝!鲜嫩的金枪鱼肉,搭配上爽脆的生菜🥬、香甜的玉米粒🌽,还有浓郁醇厚的沙拉酱,每一口都是满满的幸福感,口感丰富到能在舌尖上开派对🎉!
制作过程超简单,厨房小白也能轻松上手。先准备好罐装金枪鱼,将其沥干水分放入碗中,用勺子稍微压碎。接着,把生菜洗净撕成适口大小,甜玉米粒也备好。然后,取适量金枪鱼碎,加入一勺沙拉酱,再放入玉米粒和生菜,搅拌均匀。最后,把搅拌好的金枪鱼沙拉铺在面包片上,盖上另一片面包,稍微压实,再用刀切成喜欢的形状,一个美味的金枪鱼三明治就大功告成啦!从准备食材到成品上桌,10 分钟都用不了⏱,早上睡过头也不怕,快手早餐轻松搞定。
System Composition
① Sixteen-head 50-bucket fruit and vegetable combination scale: 304 stainless steel body structure; belt feeding structure to ensure uniform and controllable material layer; with built-in hopper to avoid damage to fruits and vegetables.
② Climbing elevator: with 200L silo, easy to store materials; with stainless steel water tank, easy to collect residual materials.
③ Working platform: solid structure, to ensure that the weighing is not affected.
④Automatic mesh bag packaging machine: optional labeling device, spray printing head, can be customized options.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting output.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking with mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting and outputting. ⑥ Material handling tray: batch collection of finished products.