. The Story of the Sea

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Guess where they are?

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Tuna swim at their own pace in the vast expanses of the ocean. They live in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters, and a comfortable water temperature of 13 - 25℃ is their favorite. The sea water here is crystal clear with a salinity of 32‰ - 37‰, providing the tuna with suitable conditions for survival.
Tuna have a wide range of activities, from the surface of the ocean to depths of 500 meters. The abundance of food in the surface layer makes it easy for juveniles to feed, while the variable environment of the deep sea is where adult tuna look for a more varied diet.
In addition, they are often found at the edge of the continental shelf, near the trench, these places have complex currents, which can bring rich nutrients, plankton and small fish and shrimp converge here, and become the natural granary of tuna. Such an excellent growing environment produces firm, nutritious tuna, each bite of which is full of the purity and vigor of the sea.