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Isn't it true that a lot of times people don't want to do a lot of cooking after work?
Me too!
Then try one of my newest get tuna bibimbap!
Nutritionally complete, delicious and quick to prepare
Carrots, corn, spinach, canned tuna, pickles, low-fat salsa, nori bibimbap, eggs, rice, beef.
Diced carrots, diced corn, chopped spinach, boil it all in water and set aside.
Stir fry the beef with soy sauce and wine.
Fry two eggs. (Cover the pan with a lid and leave it on so the yolks are still runny.)
Then put all these ingredients on top of the cooked rice
Key point: no seasoning, just beef with a salty flavor.
If you're not used to light flavors, you can add a bit of salt to the rice.
If you think it's on the bland side, you can add a little chili oil to it and it's mega delicious too!
I think it's delicious without it.
It really is a simple, low-calorie and good to stick to for a fat loss dinner!