Product Details Product Parameters
DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)是一种人体无法自主合成的「必需脂肪酸」,占大脑皮层脂肪总量的20%,视网膜磷脂的50%,被科学家称为「脑黄金」「视力保护器」。(数据来源:WHO 儿童营养指南)
🐟 金枪鱼的DHA 「海洋小金矿」每 100 克黄鳍金枪鱼背肉含482mg DHA(是三文鱼的 1.5 倍,鳕鱼的 3 倍),鱼类 DHA 以「乙酯型」存在,人体吸收率比藻类 DHA 高30%(《美国临床营养学杂志》研究),每周吃 2 次(每次 100g),既满足需求又不超 FDA 汞安全标准,鱼背肉 DHA 含量比腹部高40%(运动多的肌肉更富集脂肪),水煮 / 低温煎(120℃以下)保留 90% 以上 DHA,油炸会损失60%,金枪鱼 + 鸡蛋(卵磷脂)=「DHA 黄金搭档」,吸收率提升55%(鸡蛋中的胆碱促进 DHA 跨血脑屏障)
金枪鱼是自然界最优质的 DHA 载体,像给大脑装「高速网线」、给眼睛配「高清滤镜」。每周 2 次,用 100g 鱼肉满足全家的脑力刚需 —— 这不是玄学,是写进《中国居民膳食指南》的科学方案。
System Composition
① Sixteen-head 50-bucket fruit and vegetable combination scale: 304 stainless steel body structure; belt feeding structure to ensure uniform and controllable material layer; with built-in hopper to avoid damage to fruits and vegetables.
② Climbing elevator: with 200L silo, easy to store materials; with stainless steel water tank, easy to collect residual materials.
③ Working platform: solid structure, to ensure that the weighing is not affected.
④Automatic mesh bag packaging machine: optional labeling device, spray printing head, can be customized options.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting output.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking with mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting and outputting. ⑥ Material handling tray: batch collection of finished products.