Product Details Product Parameters
- 大腹(Otoro):位于鱼身最前端的下腹部,是金枪鱼脂肪含量最高的部位,肉质柔软、入口即化,有着浓郁醇厚的风味,价格最为昂贵。其脂肪纹理清晰,呈现出漂亮的大理石花纹,是日料中刺身和寿司的顶级食材。
- 中腹(Chutoro):处于鱼身中部的下腹部,脂肪含量适中,口感兼具了大腹的柔软和赤身的嚼劲,风味平衡,价格也相对亲民。它既有一定的油脂香气,又带有金枪鱼本身的鱼肉质感,是较为受欢迎的部位,在刺身、寿司以及一些日式料理的制作中都很常见。
- 赤身(Akami):分布在鱼身的背部,脂肪含量低,颜色深红,富含蛋白质,味道清爽且富有嚼劲,带有淡淡的金枪鱼特有的风味。赤身在价格上相对较低,常见于各种日式料理,如金枪鱼盖饭等,也常被用于制作罐头,保留了金枪鱼原本的肉质口感。
- 腮帮子肉(Kama Toro):位于金枪鱼的腮帮子附近,数量稀少,口感紧实且脂肪含量丰富,有着独特的风味,烹饪后香气四溢,常被用于烤制,能最大程度地展现其美味。
System Composition
① Sixteen-head 50-bucket fruit and vegetable combination scale: 304 stainless steel body structure; belt feeding structure to ensure uniform and controllable material layer; with built-in hopper to avoid damage to fruits and vegetables.
② Climbing elevator: with 200L silo, easy to store materials; with stainless steel water tank, easy to collect residual materials.
③ Working platform: solid structure, to ensure that the weighing is not affected.
④Automatic mesh bag packaging machine: optional labeling device, spray printing head, can be customized options.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting output.
⑤ Finished product conveyor: docking with mesh bag packaging machine, finished product lifting and outputting. ⑥ Material handling tray: batch collection of finished products.